Virtual Christmas Challenge for remote Teams

Captured in Santa’s Workshop

ca. 1,5 h 10 to 200 Participants regardless of weather conditions Austria-wide

Your Corporate Christmas Party 2022 will be completely different: virtual, team-promoting & reflecting at the same time.

Get ready for the most special X-Mas Team Event and you’ve ever experienced: Experience  Company Christmas from your Home-Office!

Before you will take a sip from your mulled wine and snack gingerbread in front of your webcam you have to fulfill a challenging mission.

Your pre-Christmas Mission: 

You and your team have been kidnapped and trapped in Santa’s Christmas workshop. The Christmas elves disappeared without trace. Sitting on the floor in candle-light, shackled with chains of lights and besotted from intensive hints of baked apple. Its up to you and your team to save X-Mas by free Santa Claus – and of course yourself.

Will you manage to fulfill this Christmas Mission as a team?


While working in a goal-oriented Way on an exciting Christmas challenge joyful Christmas Feelings  will arise among the team members. Effective Communication as well as the Commitment towards a common goal and mutual trust will be strengthened remarkably.

Moreover , Team Spirit will be enhanced through entertaining tasks which can only be solved in cooperation.

Heavenly choires will be heard when all riddles are solved and the path to winterly freedom is found.

Shared feelings of success connect people! In this way your employees will start off in 2021 dynamically and willing to reach new goals!

Required Equipment:

Everything the participants need for this virtual Christmas event:

  • stable Internet Connection
  • Smartphone, on which the App for the Game will be installed.
  • Laptop, which will be used to communicate with the other participants.

One of our Retter Events game masters will moderate your event and makes sure that everybody experiences a memorable time. In case of technical troubles or other issues the game master will give support.

We are available for an appointment to introduce this program and more details to you in an info session. Don’t hesitate to ask us to present the Demo-Version to you.
