Spark off your inner fire!

Walk on fire

starting from 4 hours 15 to 250 Participants Austria-wide

Caution! A fire walk can change your life! You are not aware of what you are capable to do together as a team with the power of every single team member!

You will never forget this borderline experience which pushes your limits and strengthens the confidence in yourself. An extreme experience like this will also facilitate relief as the participants will throw off ballast when they walk over blazing coals!

This activity will support your concentration and it will improve your goal-orientation.
You will feel like a superhero after accomplishing this absolutely unique exercise.

Before we can start with the walk on fire establish a special energy which ist done by mental coaching. In addition you will be told some tips and hints for the walk of your life.

This program supports team spirit and ranks in the “kings class” of teambuildings.
Experience what lies within you and amaze yourself…
